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“Why can’t I wear a shirt?”
That’s the question our 5 year-old daughter asked us during her weekly infusions to treat a severe and rare kind of epilepsy. Because the 5-hour long procedures required access to specific areas on her chest, there was not a suitable shirt option besides pajamas or hospital gowns. Knowing the treatment could be life-long, we had to come up with a solution that did not make her feel like a constant patient, despite the large amounts of time she spent enduring medical testing and procedures.
Lotsa Brave People© was created so that babies and kids have functional, comfortable clothing to wear during various medical procedures. The unique Ports and MoreTM shirts and onesies allow for tubing management and key access points so that nurses and medical providers can easily administer treatment, while the child receiving care is clothed in comfortable garments. The line is designed to meet stringent safety requirements, and endorsed by health care professionals at some of the countries leading medical facilities.
Kids with chronic illness are courageous and a daily inspiration to those who know them. Our goal with Lotsa Brave People© is to recognize their bravery and provide tangible, practical support while they are receiving care.